Which is in haste. Curved space confusion strikes again.
Some things to catch up on , and some excuses for delay.
First, the second blood test came back.
Fasting Glucose 4.4 (down from 6.4)
Haemoglobin A1C 5.1 (down from 6.
Basically, the probability of going blind and losing my extremities has taken a very large hit. This entailed a visit to Dairy Queen... because if you go out for ice cream, there aren't leftovers in the fridge, calling softly to you in the wee hours of the morning. Or the middle sized hours of the afternoon. Or the large-ish hours of the early evening, when it's hot and humid, and you've worked kind of hard, and deserve it. (Yeah, I know. Humidity in Nova Scotia. Who saw that coming?)
Second, I'm hurting in new ways, because I've taken up a new, and I hope brief, career in (very) rough carpentry.
A few weeks back, Sue and I bought a house in Kentville. We're renting it to my son and daughter-in-law and their son, Micah (AKA Howlin' Mouse the Bluesman). It requires some changes to make it a little safer. The one I'm working on now is the railing around the back deck.
"But Bob," you cry. "Granted that you are the Suzerain of Profitless Arcana, what do you know about building decks?"
And comes the answer: "A hell of a lot more than I knew three weeks ago."
I went down on the first of June, and came back on the ninth. At that point, I had removed the stairs on the north side (by the simple expedient of picking them up and walking away with them. You see why I thought the deck needed a bit of work?) The north side is now a rose arbour. (Note: If you want people to walk there, DON'T PLANT ROSE BUSHES. Just don't, okay? The two species are happier in a long distance relationship, for values of long ≥ three feet.)
By the ninth of June, there was a railing on the east side which pretty much meets code. There were steps on the east side which will meet code when I get hand rails on. There was a vague impression that somebody had been pounding nails into random parts of my body.
Now, a week later, I'm heading back to do the south side. There will be pictures.
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