Wednesday, 23 April 2014

In which there are gigs.

our gigs, to be precise.

I was asked by the Local Anglican Cleric to sing the Exsultet at the Easter vigil. When other people hear me sing, I expect bad things to happen, but for her I would do anything, of course I agreed.

     First problem: no voice. Hadn't sung in some months, had to practise like a fiend, didn't want to, but got around to it eventually, voice was coming around.

     Second problem: L.A.C., hearing me practise, told me that she really, really loves the Exsultet, and wanted the full (three or four page) version, not the short version I've been doing for the last several years, in my Little Presbyterian Home in the West.. O... kay.. I can do that. Just barely.

     Third problem: on the Saturday, I went to try it in the church, because acoustics. It was pointed out that the Sursum Corda is set to different music in the Exsultet (at least the one that I had) than the Anglican church usually sings. So, I whip over to the Book of Alternative Services (Presider's Edition) to get the tone that the congregation might know. Whoever typeset the BAS decided in his wisdom to print the Sursum Corda in a different notation than the rest of the Exsultet...

     It all goes okay on the night. The church is tiny, so my voice holds out, barely, and nobody throws anything.

     Meanwhile, back in my Little Presbyterian Home in the West, a very good friend of mine gets landed with the Exsultet on Easter morning. She has stage fright. (I sympathize!) She worries about it. According to multiple witnesses, she absolutely nails it.

     The third gig is Easter morning. No organist, so hymns are played by a guitarist and the cornet player. It doesn't go too badly, although, on the last hymn, when I nail an F#, I'm so astonished that I gargle the next bar completely.

     Finally, I got an email from the guy who runs the local brass quintet. His French horn player has retired, and I have a shot (until they get a new one) at playing the part on flugel. Of course I'm going to do it.

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